Ağustos 2013 / (21 - 2)
Onüç yaşındaki çocukta geçici eozinofiliyle birlikte obstrüktif kronik pankreatit
, Alper YURCİ
1, Duran ARSLAN
, Şebnem GÜRSOY
Departments of 1Gastroenterology and 2Pediatric Gastroenterology, Erciyes University, School of Medicine, Kayseri
Çocuklarda pankreatik kanalın, doğumsal veya edinsel darlığının bir sonucu
olarak obstrüktif kronik pankreatit ortaya çıkar. Belirgin histolojik değişiklikler periduktal fibrozis ve geri kalan duktal alanda genişlemelerle karakterizedir. Tanıda genellikle endoskopik retrograd kolanjiopankreatikografi, ultrasonografi ve pankreatik fonksiyon testleri gibi yöntemler kullanılmaktadır.
Eozinofili sıklıkla alerjik rinit, astım, parazitik enfeksiyonlar ve ilaç reaksiyonu ile ilişkilidir. Seyrek olarak da kronik obstrüktif pankreatik hastalıklarda tarif edilmiştir. Bu makalede; karın ağrısı ile başvuran kronik obstrüktif
pankreatitli bir olguyu sunuyoruz. Olgumuzda, pankreatit semptomları ve
eozinofili pankreasa stent yerleştirilmesi ile düzelmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kronik pankreatit, eozinofili, çocuk
Chronic pancreatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the
pancreas characterized by irreversible morphological changes
that are typically associated with pain and/or loss of function.
In chronic obstructive pancreatitis, the prominent histologic
changes are periductal fibrosis and subsequent ductal dilatation. A variety of factors are implicated in chronic obstructive
pancreatitis, including ductal obstruction due to ampullary
stenosis, inflammatory or neoplastic causes, surgical ductal
ligation, and fibrosis due to a pseudocyst as a complication of
an episode of acute pancreatitis. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP) is considered by most specialists to be
the first-line treatment modality for management of obstructive chronic pancreatitis (1,2).
Chronic pancreatitis is commonly defined as a continuous,
inflammatory process of the pancreas, characterized by irreversible morphologic changes. This chronic inflammation
can lead to chronic abdominal pain and/or impairment of
endocrine and exocrine functions of the pancreas. In children, chronic pancreatitis generally originates from genetic
mutations and congenital abnormalities of pancreatic and bile
ducts (3).
Prevalence of chronic pancreatitis is difficult to detect and
varies between 0.04% and 5% of the adult population (4,5).
There are only limited data concerning the frequency of eosinophilia with chronic pancreatitis (6,7). Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by parenchymal fibrosis, reduction in the
number and size of asinuses, and varying sized dilatations
of the pancreatic duct following triggers such as ductal obstructions, oxidative stress, genetic tendency, and metabolic
abnormalities. Langerhans cells relatively reduce, and acinar
loss is a stable indicator (8). Genetic, metabolic, obstructive,
autoimmune, and idiopathic causes are related to chronic
pancreatitis (9). Obstructive chronic pancreatitis is a process
that develops under conditions such as ductal stones in the
main pancreatic channel, duodenal wall cyst, and scarring or
stenosis of the major/minor papilla. It is reported that the
removal of the obstruction leads to the disappearance of the
damage to the pancreatic tissue (10).
Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is possible by clinical findings, tests and imaging processes that indicate exocrine function. An early diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis may prevent
any further damage to the gland. Findings after the imaging
of the gland and exocrine function tests may or may not be
compatible (11,12). In our case, exocrine function tests, serum amylase and lipase values were within normal range,
and fat and reductants in the stool were negative; however,
ERCP detected a diffusely dilated pancreatic duct with local
saccular expansions as well as a proximal stenotic segment.
ERCP findings supported the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pancreatitis. Although there is no specific laboratory test
for chronic obstructive pancreatitis, it is possible to observe
some increase in amylase and lipase during the acute inflammatory attacks of the disease. After the atrophy and fibrosis
of the pancreatic parenchyma, serum amylase and lipase values tend to be normal and even low. It is possible to observe
moderate eosinophilia pancreatitis and autoimmune pancreatitis (6,13,14). Macrophage-derived cytokines in pancreatic
duct obstruction are thought to be caused by an increase in
the number of blood eosinophils (15). It is important to note
that there was a moderate eosinophilia during the first visit
of our patient. For the differential diagnosis of eosinophilia,
it is important to rule out parasitic, allergic, and autoimmune
causes. In our patient, stool parasite and serum Fasciola IFAT
levels were negative, and serum IgE and IgG4 levels were
within normal range.
During the treatment, pain reduction is the primary goal.
During this process, endoscopic and/or surgical interventions
are done in order to prevent possible pancreatic deficiency.
If the obstruction causes pancreatic damage, removal of the obstruction may lead to the full recovery of the pancreas (6).
As indicated in the ERCP, our case had diffuse enlargement
and saccular expansions, and therefore, pancreatic and biliary
sphincterotomy was applied, and a 5F plastic pancreatic stent
was implanted. Three weeks later, the follow-up USG indicated that the diameter of the pancreatic duct was normal, and
the stent was removed. The follow-up blood count revealed
that the eosinophil number had reduced to within normal
range. In our case, the decrease in eosinophilia following the
removal of the pancreatic duct obstruction is noteworthy.
In this article, we present the case of a child, who first had
the complaint of abdominal pain, and was eventually diagnosed with chronic obstructive pancreatitis accompanied by
eosinophilia based on clinical, biochemical and imaging tests.
The case is especially noteworthy as there are no similar cases
reported in the literature.
In conclusion, transient eosinophilia with chronic obstructive pancreatitis in children is rare. Chronic obstructive pancreatitis is probably an organic cause of abdominal pain and
eosinophilia in children.
Chronic pancreatitis is commonly defined as a continuous,
inflammatory process of the pancreas, characterized by irreversible morphologic changes. This chronic inflammation
can lead to chronic abdominal pain and/or impairment of
endocrine and exocrine functions of the pancreas. In children, chronic pancreatitis generally originates from genetic
mutations and congenital abnormalities of pancreatic and bile
ducts (3).
Prevalence of chronic pancreatitis is difficult to detect and
varies between 0.04% and 5% of the adult population (4,5).
There are only limited data concerning the frequency of eosinophilia with chronic pancreatitis (6,7). Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by parenchymal fibrosis, reduction in the
number and size of asinuses, and varying sized dilatations
of the pancreatic duct following triggers such as ductal obstructions, oxidative stress, genetic tendency, and metabolic
abnormalities. Langerhans cells relatively reduce, and acinar
loss is a stable indicator (8). Genetic, metabolic, obstructive,
autoimmune, and idiopathic causes are related to chronic
pancreatitis (9). Obstructive chronic pancreatitis is a process
that develops under conditions such as ductal stones in the
main pancreatic channel, duodenal wall cyst, and scarring or
stenosis of the major/minor papilla. It is reported that the
removal of the obstruction leads to the disappearance of the
damage to the pancreatic tissue (10).
Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is possible by clinical findings, tests and imaging processes that indicate exocrine function. An early diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis may prevent
any further damage to the gland. Findings after the imaging
of the gland and exocrine function tests may or may not be
compatible (11,12). In our case, exocrine function tests, serum amylase and lipase values were within normal range,
and fat and reductants in the stool were negative; however,
ERCP detected a diffusely dilated pancreatic duct with local
saccular expansions as well as a proximal stenotic segment.
ERCP findings supported the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pancreatitis. Although there is no specific laboratory test
for chronic obstructive pancreatitis, it is possible to observe
some increase in amylase and lipase during the acute inflammatory attacks of the disease. After the atrophy and fibrosis
of the pancreatic parenchyma, serum amylase and lipase values tend to be normal and even low. It is possible to observe
moderate eosinophilia pancreatitis and autoimmune pancreatitis (6,13,14). Macrophage-derived cytokines in pancreatic
duct obstruction are thought to be caused by an increase in
the number of blood eosinophils (15). It is important to note
that there was a moderate eosinophilia during the first visit
of our patient. For the differential diagnosis of eosinophilia,
it is important to rule out parasitic, allergic, and autoimmune
causes. In our patient, stool parasite and serum Fasciola IFAT
levels were negative, and serum IgE and IgG4 levels were
within normal range.
During the treatment, pain reduction is the primary goal.
During this process, endoscopic and/or surgical interventions
are done in order to prevent possible pancreatic deficiency.
If the obstruction causes pancreatic damage, removal of the obstruction may lead to the full recovery of the pancreas (6).
As indicated in the ERCP, our case had diffuse enlargement
and saccular expansions, and therefore, pancreatic and biliary
sphincterotomy was applied, and a 5F plastic pancreatic stent
was implanted. Three weeks later, the follow-up USG indicated that the diameter of the pancreatic duct was normal, and
the stent was removed. The follow-up blood count revealed
that the eosinophil number had reduced to within normal
range. In our case, the decrease in eosinophilia following the
removal of the pancreatic duct obstruction is noteworthy.
In this article, we present the case of a child, who first had
the complaint of abdominal pain, and was eventually diagnosed with chronic obstructive pancreatitis accompanied by
eosinophilia based on clinical, biochemical and imaging tests.
The case is especially noteworthy as there are no similar cases
reported in the literature.
In conclusion, transient eosinophilia with chronic obstructive pancreatitis in children is rare. Chronic obstructive pancreatitis is probably an organic cause of abdominal pain and
eosinophilia in children.
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