Agustos 2016 / (24 - 2)
Gastrointestinal sistem kanamalarında yeni kuşak oral antikoagülan ilaçların yeri
Sema KAYMAZ TAHRA1, Yaşar ÇOLAK2, Ebubekir ŞENATEŞ2, Miraç Vural KESKİNLER1, Hakan DURSUN3,
İlyas TUNCER2, Aytekin OĞUZ1
Istanbul Medeniyet University, Göztepe Education and Research Hospital, 1Department of Internal Medicine, 2Department of Gastroenterology, Istanbul
3Atatürk University Medical Faculty, Department of Gastroenterology, Erzurum
Giriş ve Amaç: Yeni oral antikoagülanların kullanıma girdiği bu ilk yıllarda
herhangi bir antikoagülan ve/veya antiagregan kullanmakta iken gastrointestinal kanama sebebiyle hastanemize başvuran ve gastrointestinal sistem
kanaması tanısıyla yatırılan hastalarda gastrointestinal sistem kanama sebepleri arasında yeni oral antikoagülanların yerini belirlemek ve ilaç grupları ile
kanama ciddiyeti ve klinik tablo arasındaki ilişkilerin değerlendirilmesidir.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Antikoagülan, antiagregan, gastrointestinal kanama,
yeni kuşak oral antikoagülan
Despite the developments in medical and endoscopic treatments, gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) still remains a severe
cause of mortality and morbidity (1). In the USA, GIB leads to
approximately one million hospital admissions annually, and
mortality rates due to upper GIB and lower GIB have been
estimated at 4%?10% and 3.9%, respectively (2). Vital findings at the time of admission, including comorbidities such
as age, heart failure, malignancy, and renal insufficiency and
accompanying drug use, are known to affect mortality (3).
These drugs include antiaggregants (AAs) and anticoagulants
(ACs) that are well known to increase the incidence of both
lower and upper GIB (4).
Today, owing to the increase in life span of people, the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is also increasing, resulting in
the widespread use of AAs and ACs. Unfortunately, the most
important side effect of antithrombotic drugs is bleeding,
and hence it is necessary to balance the effectiveness of these
agents with the risk of bleeding in secondary cardiovascular
protection. One of the most frequent localizations of bleeding is the gastrointestinal system, and these agents are known
to provoke the onset of uncontrollable bleeding. While AA
drugs produce ulcers and erosion, leading to bleeding, AC
agents increase the risk of bleeding in the existing lesions (5).
It has been reported that when the new generation of oral ACs (NOACs) are compared with warfarin, dabigatran leads
to an increased risk for GIB and rivaroxaban leads to intracranial and fatal bleeding less than warfarin, but they exhibit
similar total bleeding rates (6,7). Although the relationship
between NOACs and GIB is known, there are still no sufficient data on this subject.
The present study was conducted on patients who were admitted to the hospital with complaints of GIB while using AC
and/or AA drugs. The primary purpose of this study was to
determine the position of NOACs in the etiology of GIB in the
first years of its use, and the secondary aim was to evaluate
the relationship among the drug groups, the severity of bleeding, and the clinical picture.
In the current study, which is important as it determines the
changes in drug-related GIB ratios within the first years of
using new-generation oral ACs, AA drug use was detected
in 70% of patients who were admitted to the hospital with a
diagnosis of GIB, warfarin use was detected in 20%, new-generation oral AC use (NOAC) was observed in 4%, and the
combined use of AA and AC drugs was detected in 6% of
patients. No difference was detected among the AC, AA, and
combined AC and AA therapy groups in terms of mortality
rates, the amount of transfusion, and the maximum level of
hemoglobin decrease.
AA use constituted the leading cause of drug-related GIB in
the present study. Aspirin use constituted 75% of this group
with the highest ratio. In all the populations, aspirin, used at
a rate of 19.3%, was being used as an AA drug (11). It was
observed that 16% of patients using aspirin took it due to its
analgesic and/or anti-inflammatory effects. Previous studies
have reported that aspirin-related GIB is observed at a rate of
45%?52% among the etiologies of drug-related GIB (12,13).
The rate of aspirin-related bleeding was 52% in the current
study. However, this ratio does not include those patients
with mild bleeding who had not been admitted to the hospital due to aspirin use Patients using warfarin constituted 20% in the current study.
In the USA, more than 30 million warfarin prescriptions are
done in a year, and the rate of bleeding caused by this drug
was found to be 0.4%?7.2% (14,15). In a study conducted before use of NOACs, warfarin was attributed for 15% of
cases of drug-induced bleeding (12). In the RE-LY study, in
which a new-generation oral AC, dabigatran, was compared
with warfarin, a 110 mg dose of dabigatran was found to be
similar to warfarin in terms of efficacy and with lower rate
of major complications, whereas the efficacy of 150 mg dabigatran was more effective than warfarin and the rate of major complications was similar. However, the risk of GIB was
significantly higher than that by warfarin (7). Similar to the
results of the RE-LY study, in a retrospective cohort study
performed by Graham et al.(16), the incidence of GIB in females above 75 years of age and in males aged more than
85 years was found to be high, and the risk of mortality was
found to be increased in the dabigatran group. Although limited in number, there are studies demonstrating that the incidence of dabigatran-induced GIB is lower or similar (16,17).
In the current study, 36 patients (20%) were using warfarin
and seven patients (4%) were using NOAC in the AC group.
In the NOAC group, six patients (86% of the NOAC group)
were using dabigatran and one patient was using rivaroxaban
(14% of the NOAC group). However, it is inevitable that
these results are affected by the rate of use of these drugs
and the approvement course in the population for whom we
work. If a drug that rarely causes GIB is used more than a
drug with a lower risk, the rate of GIB with that drug might
be misleadingly high. Therefore, the rate observed in the
present study might be misleading. Therefore, to minimize
this limitation, we attempted to estimate the utilization rates
of ACs in the population for whom we work. According to
unpublished marketing and sales data of NOACs in Turkey,
approximately seven million boxes of warfarin, 300 thousand
boxes of dabigatran, and 240 thousand boxes of rivaroxaban
have been used across the country during the study period,
and according to the obtained data, 93% of these three ACs
were warfarin, 4% were dabigatran, and 35% were rivaroxaban. During this period, the rate of dabigatran use was approximately 1.27 times higher than that of rivaroxaban and
the rate of warfarin use was approximately 25-fold that of
rivaroxaban. If the risk of bleeding had been equal, there
would have been two patients using dabigatran and 25 patients using warfarin for every one patient using rivaroxaban.
In the current study, GIB was detected in one patient after
using rivaroxaban, in six patients after using dabigatran, and
in 36 patients after using warfarin. In this case, when compared with rivaroxaban use, the rates of bleeding were found
to be higher in patients using dabigatran and warfarin. As the
incidence of warfarin use in the population is 25-fold higher,
we suggest that dabigatran-induced bleeding is higher than
that induced by warfarin. Previous studies have reported that low doses of aspirin
increase the risk of major bleeding two-fold higher than a
placebo (18). It has been established that this risk further
increased with AC therapy (19). In the current study, no
significant difference was detected among the AA, AC, and
combined drug groups in terms of hemoglobin levels at the
time of admission, maximum daily decrease of hemoglobin,
amount of erythrocyte transfusion, and mortality rates. Abu
Daya et al. (20) compared the characteristics of GIB in patients using aspirin and ACs and reported that the number of
adverse events defined as in-hospital mortality, rebleeding,
and surgical requirement was lower and the duration of hospital stay was shorter in patients using aspirin than in those
taking ACs. The authors also reported that blood transfusion
requirement was highest in patients taking ACs. Similar to
the findings of that study, we also observed in the present
study that the duration of hospital stay was significantly
longer in the AC group than in other groups. One possible
reason for this finding could be that the longer hospital stay
would increase the hospital costs and the risk of some morbidities such as hospital infection.
Although it is not necessary to follow up dose management
in NOAC drugs, it has been demonstrated that dabigatran
could cause the prolongation of aPTT but has less effect on
PT and INR (21,22). In the current study, the mean PT, INR,
and aPTT levels at the time of hospital admission were above
the normal range in both warfarin and dabigatran groups.
However, no statistically significant difference was detected between the groups in terms of coagulation parameters.
Although a numerical difference was observed in PT levels
between the two groups, it was not statistically significant
and could be related to the small number of patients taking dabigatran. No difference was detected in the amount of
erythrocyte transfusion, TDP transfusion, and mortality rates.
The duration of hospital stay was found to be longer in the
warfarin group. While there was no patient with chronic renal failure in the dabigatran group, chronic renal failure was
detected in seven of the 36 patients using warfarin. As the
majority of dabigatran clearance is through the kidneys and
the drug is not used in case of terminal-phase renal failure, it
is not primarily used in patients with renal failure (22). This
could have affected the mortality and other clinical results
in the comparison between warfarin and dabigatran groups.
Although clinically important results have been obtained in
the current study, there are also certain limitations. One of
them is that it is a retrospective study. Furthermore, the small
number of patients in the NOAC group might have caused a
limitation in the interpretation of the data.
In conclusion, new-generation oral ACs contributed to 4% of
all cases of AA- and/or AC-related GIB who were admitted to
our hospital. AAs (75% are acetylsalicylic acid) are the most frequent reason for AA- and/or AC-related GIB, with a rate of
70%. Warfarin contributed to 84% of AC-related bleedings,
whereas NOACs contributed to only 16%. No statistically
significant difference was observed between the AC and AA
groups in terms of mortality rates, and it was observed that
the duration of hospital stay was longer in the AC group. The
results of the present study have not supported the anticipated idea that NOACs could cause higher mortality and morbidity rates related to bleeding, as they have no antidotes on
the market in Turkey. As the current study was performed at
the beginning of the use of new-generation oral ACs, the frequency of NOAC-related GIB cases would be increased with
the wider use of these drugs in the future.
Ethics Committee Approval
This study was approved by the ethics committee of our institution (Date: July 18, 2014, Decision number: 2014/0122). Informed Consent
Written informed consent was obtained from the patients
who participated in this study.
Externally peer-reviewed.
Author Contributions
Concept: S.K.T. - Design: Y.Ç., A.O. - Supervision: E.Ş., A.O.,
İ.T. - Resource: E.Ş., Y.Ç. - Materials: S.K.T., M.V.K. - Data
collection and/or processing: S.K.T., M.V.K. - Analysis and/
or interpretation: E.Ş., S.K.T, A.O., H.D. - Literature search:
S.K.T., Y.Ç., E.Ş. - Writing: S.K.T., E.Ş., A.O. - Critical review: E.Ş., A.O., Y.Ç.
Gereç ve Yöntem
This study was conducted using the data of patients hospitalized in our hospital with a diagnosis of GIB while using AC
and/or AA drugs for a medical cause. The study was approved
by the hospital ethics committee (Date: July 18, 2014, decision number: 2014/0122).
Patients aged below 18 years; patients who had been hospitalized due to disseminated intravascular coagulation, hemophilia, hematological malignancy, immune thrombocytopenic purpura, and hemolytic uremic syndrome; and patients
who had variceal bleeding developing on the basis of cirrhosis
and bleeding secondary to thrombocytopenia were excluded.
Data were retrospectively obtained from the hospital database, patient files, and patient epicrisis. Demographic characteristics (age, gender, chronic comorbid diseases); complaints
at the time of admission; vital findings; presence of shock
at the time of admission (blood pressure <90/60 mmHg,
pulse >100/min); use of ACs, AAs, and other drugs; serum
hemoglobin level at the time of admission; white blood cell
count; thrombocyte count; prothrombin time (PT); activated
partial thromboplastin time (aPTT); international normalized
ratio (INR); aspartate aminotransferase (AST); alanine aminotransferase (ALT); glucose; blood urea nitrogen (BUN);
creatinine level; endoscopic findings; etiology of bleeding;
transfusion requirement; medical and endoscopic treatment;
maximum level of hemoglobin decrease in daily follow-ups;
and requirement for surgery and total duration of hospital
stay were recorded. AC and AA use and the combined use of
these drugs were compared between the patient groups and
between the subdrug groups. In-hospital mortality, surgical
requirement, and intensive care requirement were additionally determined.
Rockall scores and Blatchford scores were calculated for all
patients, and additionally HAS-BLED scores were calculated for patients taking AC drugs (8-10). Risk scores between
groups were compared. Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 14.0 (SPSS Inc.; Chicago, IL, USA). The categorical variables were presented as
frequency, continuous numerical variables were presented
as mean±standard deviation when they were normally distributed, and continuous variables were presented as median
(minimum to maximum) when they were not normally distributed. A Chi-square test was used for the comparison of
categorical variables. If normally distributed, Student?s t-test
was used for the comparison of categorical variables for binary groups and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
used for the comparison of categorical variables for more than
one group. If not distributed normally, Mann?Whitney U test
was used for the comparison of categorical variables for binary groups and Kruskal?Wallis test was used for the comparison of categorical variables for more than one group. If a significant difference was found in the comparison of the three
groups, Tukey and Bonferroni post hoc tests were applied to
determine the group that produced the difference. The Kaplan?Meier test was used for the comparison of in-hospital
survival of the patients using AA and AC drugs.
The files of 2,835 patients, who had been hospitalized in the
Gastroenterology Clinic of our hospital between July 2012
and November 2014 with the diagnosis of GIB, were retrospectively investigated. Of these patients, 178 patients who
had been under AC and/or AA treatment were included in
the study. Among these, 65 patients were female (36.5%)
and 113 were male (63.5%). Oral AC drugs were used by 43
patients (24.2%), oral AA drugs were used by 124 patients
(69.7%), and combined oral AC and AA drugs were used by
11 patients (6.2%).
Hemoglobin levels were 9.86±2.7, 8.87±2.2, and 9.32±2.6
mg/dL in the AA, AC, and combined therapy groups, respectively, and there was no statistically significant difference
between the groups in terms of initial hemoglobin levels
Upper GIB was present in 100 patients (80.6%) and lower
GIB was present in 24 patients (19.4%) who were under AA
therapy. In patients who were under AC therapy, upper GIB
was present in 30 patients (69.8%) and lower GIB in 13 patients (30.2%). Among those under combined drug therapy,
upper GIB was observed in eight patients (72.7%) and lower
GIB in three patients (27.3%). Overall, upper GIB was detected in a total of 138 patients (77.5%) and lower GIB was
detected in a total of 40 patients (22.5%) (Table 1).
Regarding the drug usage among the patients, 93 patients
(52.2%) were using aspirin, 36 patients (20.2%) were using warfarin, 10 patients were using clopidogrel, six patients
(3.4%) were using dabigatran, one patient (0.6%) was using
rivaroxaban, and one patient (0.6%) was using ticlopidine.
Twenty patients (11.2%) were using clopidogrel and aspirin and 11 patients (6.2%) were using combined AA and AC
drugs (Figure 1). Endoscopic evaluation could not be performed in 18 patients because of their comorbidities and clinical conditions;
however, in patients in whom endoscopic evaluation was
performed (160 patients), at least one of the findings such
as visible vessel, viscous clot, active bleeding, blood leakage,
and/or red spot bleeding was detected in 32 patients in the
AA therapy group, in four patients in the AC therapy group,
and in one patient in the combined therapy group. Regarding
the endoscopic findings, ulcer was detected in 80 patients,
malignancy was detected in 12 patients, erosion was detected
in 38 patients, dieulafoy lesion was detected in three patients,
diverticulosis was detected in 16 patients, and angiodysplasia
was detected in 11 patients. There was no statistically significant difference in the distribution of endoscopic lesions
between the groups (p=0.3).
Rebleeding in 25 patients (20.2%) in the AA therapy group
and in 10 patients (23.3%) in the AC therapy group was observed at the time of hospitalization or during their rehospitalization after discharge. No recurrent bleeding was detected
in the combined therapy group.
Five patients (4%) in the AA therapy group and one patient
(9.1%) in the AC group required follow-up in the intensive care unit. Surgical intervention was required for three patients in the AA group, whereas it was not required in the
other groups.
The maximum decrease in hemoglobin levels in the 24-h follow-up period was 2.12±1.2 mg/dL in the AA therapy group,
2.3±1.2 mg/dL in the AC therapy group, and 2.59±1.5 mg/dL
in the combined therapy group with no significant difference
between the groups (p=0.39).
The total amount of erythrocyte transfusion was 2.6±2.9
units in the AA therapy group, 3.0±2.4 units in the AC
therapy group, and 2.5±2.3 units in the combined therapy
group with no significant difference between the three groups
(p=0.728). The duration of hospital stay was 5.3±3.7 days in the AA
therapy group, 7.3±4.3 days in the AC therapy group, and
5.9±2.8 days in the combined therapy group, indicating a
significantly longer duration in the AC therapy group than in
both the AA and combined therapy groups (p=0.01).
Mortality was detected in five patients (4%) in the AA therapy
group, in four patients (10%) in the AC therapy group, and in
one patient (9%) in the combined therapy group, with no statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.506)
(Table 2).
No statistically significant difference was observed between
the 36 patients taking warfarin and the six patients taking
dabigatran in terms of hemoglobin levels at the time of admission, decrease in hemoglobin levels within 24 h, duration
of hospital stay, and the amount of erythrocyte transfusion.
The mean INR value was 5.19±7.41 in patients using warfarin, whereas it was 2.25±1.58 in patients taking dabigatran.
However, the difference in INR values between these two
groups was not statistically significant (p=0.34), which could
be due to the small number of patients (six) using dabigatran.
The mean aPTT level was 61.25±27.58 in patients using warfarin, while it was 42.31±19.71 in patients using dabigatran,
and the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (p=0.11). Mortality was detected in three
patients (8.3%) using warfarin and in one patient (16.6%)
using dabigatran, with no statistically significant difference
between the two groups (p=0.14).
The mean Blatchford score was 11.89±3.68 in patients who
were diagnosed with upper GIB and who were using warfarin, and it was 10.83±3.81 in the dabigatran group, with
no significant difference between the two groups (p=0.52).
There was also no significant difference in the mean Rockall scores before endoscopy between patients taking warfarin (3.71±1.02) and those using dabigatran (3.83±1.47)
(p=0.86). For the 30 patients in whom endoscopy could be
performed, the mean Rockall score was 5.00±1.20 following
endoscopy, while it was 4.25±1.25 in the four patients taking
dabigatran following endoscopy (p=0.25). Similarly, there
was no significant difference in the mean HAS-BLED scores
between the patients using warfarin (3.56±1.08) and those
taking dabigatran (3.67±0.81) (p=0.81) (Table 3).
When the 93 patients using aspirin and the 36 patients taking warfarin were examined, the duration of hospital stay
was 5.3±3.9 days in the aspirin group and 7.6±4.4 days in
the warfarin group, and the difference was statistically significant (p=0.04). However, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of mean
age (p=0.13). Regarding the hemoglobin levels in these two
groups, patients taking warfarin had significantly lower levels (8.7±2.11 mg/dl) than the levels of patients using aspirin
(9.89±2.62 mg/dl) (p=0.01).
A significant difference was also observed in the Rockall
scores before the endoscopies between patients taking aspirin
(3.18±1.48) and those using warfarin (3.75±1.02) (p=0.03).
However, after endoscopy, the Rockall scores were found
to be 4.51±1.71 in patients taking aspirin and 5.00±1.20 in
those using warfarin, with no significant difference (p=0.14).
Table 4 shows the results of clinical evaluation between patients taking aspirin and those taking warfarin.
In the current study, which is important as it determines the
changes in drug-related GIB ratios within the first years of
using new-generation oral ACs, AA drug use was detected
in 70% of patients who were admitted to the hospital with a
diagnosis of GIB, warfarin use was detected in 20%, new-generation oral AC use (NOAC) was observed in 4%, and the
combined use of AA and AC drugs was detected in 6% of
patients. No difference was detected among the AC, AA, and
combined AC and AA therapy groups in terms of mortality
rates, the amount of transfusion, and the maximum level of
hemoglobin decrease.
AA use constituted the leading cause of drug-related GIB in
the present study. Aspirin use constituted 75% of this group
with the highest ratio. In all the populations, aspirin, used at
a rate of 19.3%, was being used as an AA drug (11). It was
observed that 16% of patients using aspirin took it due to its
analgesic and/or anti-inflammatory effects. Previous studies
have reported that aspirin-related GIB is observed at a rate of
45%?52% among the etiologies of drug-related GIB (12,13).
The rate of aspirin-related bleeding was 52% in the current
study. However, this ratio does not include those patients
with mild bleeding who had not been admitted to the hospital due to aspirin use Patients using warfarin constituted 20% in the current study.
In the USA, more than 30 million warfarin prescriptions are
done in a year, and the rate of bleeding caused by this drug
was found to be 0.4%?7.2% (14,15). In a study conducted before use of NOACs, warfarin was attributed for 15% of
cases of drug-induced bleeding (12). In the RE-LY study, in
which a new-generation oral AC, dabigatran, was compared
with warfarin, a 110 mg dose of dabigatran was found to be
similar to warfarin in terms of efficacy and with lower rate
of major complications, whereas the efficacy of 150 mg dabigatran was more effective than warfarin and the rate of major complications was similar. However, the risk of GIB was
significantly higher than that by warfarin (7). Similar to the
results of the RE-LY study, in a retrospective cohort study
performed by Graham et al.(16), the incidence of GIB in females above 75 years of age and in males aged more than
85 years was found to be high, and the risk of mortality was
found to be increased in the dabigatran group. Although limited in number, there are studies demonstrating that the incidence of dabigatran-induced GIB is lower or similar (16,17).
In the current study, 36 patients (20%) were using warfarin
and seven patients (4%) were using NOAC in the AC group.
In the NOAC group, six patients (86% of the NOAC group)
were using dabigatran and one patient was using rivaroxaban
(14% of the NOAC group). However, it is inevitable that
these results are affected by the rate of use of these drugs
and the approvement course in the population for whom we
work. If a drug that rarely causes GIB is used more than a
drug with a lower risk, the rate of GIB with that drug might
be misleadingly high. Therefore, the rate observed in the
present study might be misleading. Therefore, to minimize
this limitation, we attempted to estimate the utilization rates
of ACs in the population for whom we work. According to
unpublished marketing and sales data of NOACs in Turkey,
approximately seven million boxes of warfarin, 300 thousand
boxes of dabigatran, and 240 thousand boxes of rivaroxaban
have been used across the country during the study period,
and according to the obtained data, 93% of these three ACs
were warfarin, 4% were dabigatran, and 35% were rivaroxaban. During this period, the rate of dabigatran use was approximately 1.27 times higher than that of rivaroxaban and
the rate of warfarin use was approximately 25-fold that of
rivaroxaban. If the risk of bleeding had been equal, there
would have been two patients using dabigatran and 25 patients using warfarin for every one patient using rivaroxaban.
In the current study, GIB was detected in one patient after
using rivaroxaban, in six patients after using dabigatran, and
in 36 patients after using warfarin. In this case, when compared with rivaroxaban use, the rates of bleeding were found
to be higher in patients using dabigatran and warfarin. As the
incidence of warfarin use in the population is 25-fold higher,
we suggest that dabigatran-induced bleeding is higher than
that induced by warfarin. Previous studies have reported that low doses of aspirin
increase the risk of major bleeding two-fold higher than a
placebo (18). It has been established that this risk further
increased with AC therapy (19). In the current study, no
significant difference was detected among the AA, AC, and
combined drug groups in terms of hemoglobin levels at the
time of admission, maximum daily decrease of hemoglobin,
amount of erythrocyte transfusion, and mortality rates. Abu
Daya et al. (20) compared the characteristics of GIB in patients using aspirin and ACs and reported that the number of
adverse events defined as in-hospital mortality, rebleeding,
and surgical requirement was lower and the duration of hospital stay was shorter in patients using aspirin than in those
taking ACs. The authors also reported that blood transfusion
requirement was highest in patients taking ACs. Similar to
the findings of that study, we also observed in the present
study that the duration of hospital stay was significantly
longer in the AC group than in other groups. One possible
reason for this finding could be that the longer hospital stay
would increase the hospital costs and the risk of some morbidities such as hospital infection.
Although it is not necessary to follow up dose management
in NOAC drugs, it has been demonstrated that dabigatran
could cause the prolongation of aPTT but has less effect on
PT and INR (21,22). In the current study, the mean PT, INR,
and aPTT levels at the time of hospital admission were above
the normal range in both warfarin and dabigatran groups.
However, no statistically significant difference was detected between the groups in terms of coagulation parameters.
Although a numerical difference was observed in PT levels
between the two groups, it was not statistically significant
and could be related to the small number of patients taking dabigatran. No difference was detected in the amount of
erythrocyte transfusion, TDP transfusion, and mortality rates.
The duration of hospital stay was found to be longer in the
warfarin group. While there was no patient with chronic renal failure in the dabigatran group, chronic renal failure was
detected in seven of the 36 patients using warfarin. As the
majority of dabigatran clearance is through the kidneys and
the drug is not used in case of terminal-phase renal failure, it
is not primarily used in patients with renal failure (22). This
could have affected the mortality and other clinical results
in the comparison between warfarin and dabigatran groups.
Although clinically important results have been obtained in
the current study, there are also certain limitations. One of
them is that it is a retrospective study. Furthermore, the small
number of patients in the NOAC group might have caused a
limitation in the interpretation of the data.
In conclusion, new-generation oral ACs contributed to 4% of
all cases of AA- and/or AC-related GIB who were admitted to
our hospital. AAs (75% are acetylsalicylic acid) are the most frequent reason for AA- and/or AC-related GIB, with a rate of
70%. Warfarin contributed to 84% of AC-related bleedings,
whereas NOACs contributed to only 16%. No statistically
significant difference was observed between the AC and AA
groups in terms of mortality rates, and it was observed that
the duration of hospital stay was longer in the AC group. The
results of the present study have not supported the anticipated idea that NOACs could cause higher mortality and morbidity rates related to bleeding, as they have no antidotes on
the market in Turkey. As the current study was performed at
the beginning of the use of new-generation oral ACs, the frequency of NOAC-related GIB cases would be increased with
the wider use of these drugs in the future.
Ethics Committee Approval
This study was approved by the ethics committee of our institution (Date: July 18, 2014, Decision number: 2014/0122). Informed Consent
Written informed consent was obtained from the patients
who participated in this study.
Externally peer-reviewed.
Author Contributions
Concept: S.K.T. - Design: Y.Ç., A.O. - Supervision: E.Ş., A.O.,
İ.T. - Resource: E.Ş., Y.Ç. - Materials: S.K.T., M.V.K. - Data
collection and/or processing: S.K.T., M.V.K. - Analysis and/
or interpretation: E.Ş., S.K.T, A.O., H.D. - Literature search:
S.K.T., Y.Ç., E.Ş. - Writing: S.K.T., E.Ş., A.O. - Critical review: E.Ş., A.O., Y.Ç.
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