- Ana Sayfa
- Sayılar
- Aralık 2011
- Dispepsili hastalarda gastroskopik biyopsi ile ilişkili şikayetler, 3 gün proton pompa inhibitörü
uygulanmasıyla azalır mı?
Aralık 2011 / (19 - 3)
Dispepsili hastalarda gastroskopik biyopsi ile ilişkili şikayetler, 3 gün proton pompa inhibitörü
uygulanmasıyla azalır mı?
1Department of Gastroenterology, Kocaeli Derince Teaching and Research Hospital, Derince, Kocaeli
2Department of Gastroenterology, Elazığ Teaching and Research Hospital, Elazığ
3Department of Gastroenterology, Bezmiâlem Vakıf University Hospital, İstanbul
Departments of 4Pathology and 5Gastroenterology, Haydarpaşa Numune Teaching and Research Hospital, İstanbul
Giriş ve Amaç: Amacımız üst GİS endoskopisi yapılan ve biyopsi alınan hastalara
işlem sonrası günde tek doz 3 gün boyunca proton pompa inhibitörü
vererek; işlem ile ilgili olabilecek şiakayetlerde azalma olup olmayacağını bir
skala üzerinden değerlendirmek ve işlemin günlük yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi
olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 60 hasta
alındı. İşlemden önce hastalar bir ankete tabi tutuldu ve endoskopi sonrası 2
gruba ayrıldı. Grup A?ya 40 mg pantoprazol 1x1 verilirken, Grup B?ye 1x1
plasebo verildi. 3. günün sonunda, hastalara aynı anket uygulandı. Bulgular:
Grup A?da işlem sonrası tüm skorlar düşerken, şişkinlik şikayetindeki düşüş
anlamlıydı. Grup B?de ise epigastrik ağrı, şişkinlik ve bulantı skorlarında artı
ş görülürken, epigastrik ağrı ve şişkinlik skorlarındaki artış anlamlıydı. Sonuç:
Endoskopiden sonra kısa süreli proton pompa inhibitörü verilmesi sadece
şikayetleri azaltmakla kalmayıp, hastalarda işlemle ilgili negatif etki
oluşmasını da kısmen önlemektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Proton pompa inhibitörleri, gastroskopi, ağrı
At present, upper gastrointestinal (GI) system endoscopy is a
frequently performed procedure for the diagnosis and treatment
of GI disorders. Although complications that may develop
during and after the procedure can be minimized in experienced
hands, some complications independent of the endoscopist,
which may be due to the procedure itself, may occur
commonly. The procedure alone is stressful for the patient.
Furthermore, the development of post-endoscopy complaints
is possibly related to the duration and type of the procedure
and tissue sampling. After the procedure, patients frequently
develop some complaints such as pain, bloating and
flatulence. These complaints are usually disregarded by
physicians, and treatment is usually initiated after biopsy results
are obtained. In the period between the end of endoscopy
and biopsy results, patients are left with their complaints.
The complaints that occur due to the procedure may influence
the patient?s quality of life.
The aim of this study was to administer single-dose proton
pump inhibitor (PPI) for 3 days to patients undergoing upper
GI endoscopy with biopsy for indications other than ulcer,
bleeding and tumor, etc., in order to evaluate complaints
(such as epigastric pain, bloating, vomiting, and fatigue) prior
to and 3 days after the procedure, using a complaint severity
scale. We also investigated whether the procedure had
any negative impact on patient quality of life.
Although there are scales measuring functional dyspeptic
complaints in the literature (1,2) as we could not find any
scale evaluating post-endoscopic complaints, we developed
the scale ourselves with a pilot study and applied it to our patients.
When we divided the patients into two groups irrespective
of their complaints at baseline and queried them about
their complaints after 3 days using the same scale, we established
that complaints increased in the group given placebo,
with the increases in epigastric pain and bloating being
significant. In the group given PPI, there was a marked decrease
in post-endoscopy complaints. In the comparison of the
scores of the complaints according to the scale, a substantial
reduction was seen in the PPI group, while the scores increased
in the placebo group. Even more striking was the finding
that the majority of the patients given PPI stated that the procedure
had no negative impact on their life quality (89%),
while in the group given placebo, the corresponding rate was
lower. In the group given PPI, the mean rate of complaints
was lower at baseline than in the group given placebo
(8.23±4.00 in Group A vs 6.13±3.91 in Group B). As the patients
were given placebo in a double-blind manner irrespective
of their complaints according to the scale at baseline, it
was impossible to have equal mean values in both groups.
However, the complaints decreased markedly in Group A,
while they increased in Group B.
Dyspepsia is a symptom encountered frequently in general
practice and occurs in 5-15% of the patients referring to internal
medicine clinics and in 40-60% of those referring to
gastroenterology clinics (3). As is known, dyspepsia is defined
as episodic or persistent occurrence of symptoms, such as
epigastric pain, discomfort, early satiety, bloating, nausea,
retching, and flatulence, thought to be associated with the
upper GI system (4). In daily clinical practice, upper GI endoscopy
is considered for the evaluation of patients with the
above- mentioned symptoms. However, it is stated by the patients
that this diagnostic procedure sometimes enhances these
complaints, even though there are no such scientific data.
Biopsy obtained during upper GI endoscopy leads to mucosal
damage. Yet, there is no scientific data showing that this
damage gives rise to dyspeptic complaints such as pain and
bloating, etc. in the area involved. In addition, air given during
the procedure may cause complaints such as bloating
and flatulence. These complaints increase the dyspeptic
complaints already present and decrease the life quality. Based
upon these observations, we observed that PPIs given after
the procedure relieved our patients? complaints.
Endoscopic diagnosis of the patients was similar between groups.
As both groups comprised patients with non-ulcer
dyspepsia and without marked gross pathology, the similarity
of histopathological findings is expected. Therefore, when the
histopathological diagnoses of the two groups were compared,
similar diagnoses and equal numbers of H. pylori-positive
cases were established. There is no doubt that a randomization
that was not predicted at the onset of the study took
place. This even distribution will render the results of our
study more reliable for comparing the groups in terms of
complaints that may develop after the procedure. However,
this even distribution prevented us from determining the relationship
between endoscopic and histopathological diagnosis
and complaints. The results of the studies investigating the
relationship between histopathological and endoscopic diagnosis
and the severity of dyspeptic symptoms are conflicting.
Some studies have found a relationship between histopathological
and endoscopic diagnosis and dyspeptic complaints,
while others did not (5,6).
It is no doubt impossible to predict the pain threshold of the
patients and their reactions to any invasive procedure beforehand
and to randomize them accordingly. However, as can be
seen from our findings, randomization of both groups was satisfactory
in terms of both endoscopic and microscopic findings.
In the present study, sex and age were adjusted in both groups.
Similarly, Talley et al. (7) found no statistically significant
relationship between dyspeptic symptoms and sex, age,
education, or marital status in their study, with the aim of determining
risk factors in patients with dyspepsia.
A marked decrease in complaints and minimal negative impact
on life quality in the group given PPI when compared to
the other group are striking. PPIs may have caused the improvement
in symptoms both by inhibiting acid secretion, hence
accelerating mucosal healing, and by its effect on H. pylori,
albeit partially.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no publication in the
literature on the complaints that may occur after endoscopy,
which may be due to the fact that the majority of the studies
focus on diseases rather than the patients.
In daily clinical practice, we may withhold treatment from patients
whom we diagnose as non-ulcer dyspepsia until pathology
results are obtained, as we focus generally on their endoscopic
findings. While evaluating the post-endoscopic process,
we recommend PPIs according to the presence of complaints
prior to the procedure. As can be seen from the results
of the present study, routine administration of PPIs for a short
period after the procedure will not only decrease the present
complaints but also prevent the negative impacts of the procedure,
even if only partially. If the patient feels well during
the evaluation period, it will strengthen his relation with his
physician and increase the efficacy of treatment by increasing
the trust of the patient in his physician, hence enhancing patient
compliance to the treatment.
Gereç ve Yöntem
Sixty patients biopsied due to indications other than ulcer,
polyp and tumor, etc. among patients who underwent upper
GI endoscopy for dyspeptic symptoms in the endoscopy unit
of our hospital between April-May 2009 were included in the
present study. The procedure was carried out by a single endoscopist,
and biopsies were obtained from both the corpus
and antrum from two sites.
As there were no similar studies in the literature at the time
the study was planned, we developed a scale for complaints.
As a pilot study, 200 similar patients over approximately
three months were queried about dyspeptic complaints that
could be caused by the procedure, and all complaints were
recorded. A scale comprising the most frequent complaints,
epigastric pain, bloating, nausea, and fatigue, was developed
and scored between 0-5 according to the severity of the
complaints (Table 1). Before the procedure, patients were questioned
using the scale. Following the endoscopy procedure,
patients who met the eligibility criteria of the study were consecutively
randomized into two groups regardless of the severity
of their complaints. One group was given pantoprazole
(40 mg once per day, Group A), while the other group was given
placebo (once per day, Group B) for 3 days. All patients
were asked to not take any other drug except for those they
received routinely. When they were questioned again after 3
days, those who had used other drugs were excluded from
the study. After 3 days, patients were queried again regarding
the complaints using the same scale. In addition, patients were
asked if the endoscopy procedure hindered their daily activities.
Endoscopic and histopathological diagnoses of the
patients were also recorded.
Patients with marked gross pathology in their endoscopy, history
of PPI, steroidal or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
use within the last 1 week, cholelithiasis or other diseases that
delay gastric emptying, or a history of smoking and alcohol
use were excluded from the study.
In the analysis of the data, chi-square (?2) independence test
and Fisher?s exact ?2 were used.
Overall, 60 patients were included in the study (30 in Group
A, 30 in Group B). Group A included patients given PPI, while
Group B included those given placebo. Age and sex distribution
was similar between the groups (Table 2).
The PPI and placebo groups were evaluated with respect to
their complaints, including epigastric pain, bloating, nausea,
and fatigue, according to the scale scored from 0 to 5, at baseline
and on the 3rd day. It was seen that all scores had decreased
3 days after the procedure in Group A, while only the
decrease in the score regarding bloating was significantly different.
In Group B, the scores for epigastric pain, bloating and
nausea had increased, and the increases in the scores for epigastric
pain and bloating were statistically significant (Table
When the mean scores of complaints were evaluated, it was
seen that the mean score decreased in Group A after the administration
of the drug (8.23±4.00 on the 1st day vs 6.80±4.42 on the 3rd day), but the difference was not statistically
significant (p=0.075). In Group B, mean scores significantly
increased (6.13±3.91 on the 1st day vs 7.60±3.80 on
the 3rd day) (p=0.010) (Table 3).
In Group A, the number of cases who responded ?no? to the
question ?Did the procedure have any negative impact on your
quality of life?? was 26 (86.6%), while it was 17 (56.6%)
in Group B, with a statistically significant difference between
groups (p=0.036) (Table 4).
Results with respect to the endoscopic and histopathological
diagnoses are summarized in Tables 5 and 6. Endoscopic and
histopathological diagnoses were similar between the two
groups. The frequency of Helicobacter pylori positivity was
also equal between groups.
Although there are scales measuring functional dyspeptic
complaints in the literature (1,2) as we could not find any
scale evaluating post-endoscopic complaints, we developed
the scale ourselves with a pilot study and applied it to our patients.
When we divided the patients into two groups irrespective
of their complaints at baseline and queried them about
their complaints after 3 days using the same scale, we established
that complaints increased in the group given placebo,
with the increases in epigastric pain and bloating being
significant. In the group given PPI, there was a marked decrease
in post-endoscopy complaints. In the comparison of the
scores of the complaints according to the scale, a substantial
reduction was seen in the PPI group, while the scores increased
in the placebo group. Even more striking was the finding
that the majority of the patients given PPI stated that the procedure
had no negative impact on their life quality (89%),
while in the group given placebo, the corresponding rate was
lower. In the group given PPI, the mean rate of complaints
was lower at baseline than in the group given placebo
(8.23±4.00 in Group A vs 6.13±3.91 in Group B). As the patients
were given placebo in a double-blind manner irrespective
of their complaints according to the scale at baseline, it
was impossible to have equal mean values in both groups.
However, the complaints decreased markedly in Group A,
while they increased in Group B.
Dyspepsia is a symptom encountered frequently in general
practice and occurs in 5-15% of the patients referring to internal
medicine clinics and in 40-60% of those referring to
gastroenterology clinics (3). As is known, dyspepsia is defined
as episodic or persistent occurrence of symptoms, such as
epigastric pain, discomfort, early satiety, bloating, nausea,
retching, and flatulence, thought to be associated with the
upper GI system (4). In daily clinical practice, upper GI endoscopy
is considered for the evaluation of patients with the
above- mentioned symptoms. However, it is stated by the patients
that this diagnostic procedure sometimes enhances these
complaints, even though there are no such scientific data.
Biopsy obtained during upper GI endoscopy leads to mucosal
damage. Yet, there is no scientific data showing that this
damage gives rise to dyspeptic complaints such as pain and
bloating, etc. in the area involved. In addition, air given during
the procedure may cause complaints such as bloating
and flatulence. These complaints increase the dyspeptic
complaints already present and decrease the life quality. Based
upon these observations, we observed that PPIs given after
the procedure relieved our patients? complaints.
Endoscopic diagnosis of the patients was similar between groups.
As both groups comprised patients with non-ulcer
dyspepsia and without marked gross pathology, the similarity
of histopathological findings is expected. Therefore, when the
histopathological diagnoses of the two groups were compared,
similar diagnoses and equal numbers of H. pylori-positive
cases were established. There is no doubt that a randomization
that was not predicted at the onset of the study took
place. This even distribution will render the results of our
study more reliable for comparing the groups in terms of
complaints that may develop after the procedure. However,
this even distribution prevented us from determining the relationship
between endoscopic and histopathological diagnosis
and complaints. The results of the studies investigating the
relationship between histopathological and endoscopic diagnosis
and the severity of dyspeptic symptoms are conflicting.
Some studies have found a relationship between histopathological
and endoscopic diagnosis and dyspeptic complaints,
while others did not (5,6).
It is no doubt impossible to predict the pain threshold of the
patients and their reactions to any invasive procedure beforehand
and to randomize them accordingly. However, as can be
seen from our findings, randomization of both groups was satisfactory
in terms of both endoscopic and microscopic findings.
In the present study, sex and age were adjusted in both groups.
Similarly, Talley et al. (7) found no statistically significant
relationship between dyspeptic symptoms and sex, age,
education, or marital status in their study, with the aim of determining
risk factors in patients with dyspepsia.
A marked decrease in complaints and minimal negative impact
on life quality in the group given PPI when compared to
the other group are striking. PPIs may have caused the improvement
in symptoms both by inhibiting acid secretion, hence
accelerating mucosal healing, and by its effect on H. pylori,
albeit partially.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no publication in the
literature on the complaints that may occur after endoscopy,
which may be due to the fact that the majority of the studies
focus on diseases rather than the patients.
In daily clinical practice, we may withhold treatment from patients
whom we diagnose as non-ulcer dyspepsia until pathology
results are obtained, as we focus generally on their endoscopic
findings. While evaluating the post-endoscopic process,
we recommend PPIs according to the presence of complaints
prior to the procedure. As can be seen from the results
of the present study, routine administration of PPIs for a short
period after the procedure will not only decrease the present
complaints but also prevent the negative impacts of the procedure,
even if only partially. If the patient feels well during
the evaluation period, it will strengthen his relation with his
physician and increase the efficacy of treatment by increasing
the trust of the patient in his physician, hence enhancing patient
compliance to the treatment.
1. Mahadeva S, Wee HL, Goh KL, Thumboo J. The EQ-5D (Euroqol) is a
valid generic instrument for measuring quality of life in patients with
dyspepsia. BMC Gastroenterol 2009; 9: 20.
2. Talley NJ, Haque M, Wyeth JW, et al. Development of a new dyspepsia
impact scale: the Nepean Dyspepsia Index. Aliment Pharmacol Ther
1999; 13: 225-35.
3. Heading RC. Prevalence of upper gastrointestinal symptoms in the general
population: a systematic review. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl 1999;
231: 3-8.
4. Heading RC. Definitions of dyspepsia. Scand J Gastroenterol 1991; 182:
5. Okçu N, Yılmaz Ö, Dursun H, et al. The relationship between dyspeptic
symptoms and feeding habits, endoscopic and histologic findings. Akademik
Gastroenteroloji Dergisi 2006; 5: 110-5.
6. Johnsen R, Bernersen B, Straume B, et al. Prevalences of endoscopic and
histological findings in subjects with and without dyspepsia. BMJ 1991;
302: 749-52.
7. Talley NJ, Zinsmeister AR, Schleck CD, Melton LJ. Smoking, alcohol,
and analgesics in dyspepsia and among dyspepsia subgroups: lack of an
association in a community. Gut 1994; 35: 619-24.